
Plaster Pears

1. Pick 1 full-of-character fruit
2. Make 1 plaster mold
3. Cast 5 plaster fruits
4. Add mixed media elements to taste
5. Serve mounted to wall


Take Back The Night

I helped organize an event on my university campus, called Take Back The Night. I had the opportunity to design the flyers and tshirts for the event, and I was also a speaker at it, sharing my story. We weren't expected many people, and thought we were crazy to have ordered 100 shirts to hand out for free. I was thinking thatwe would have tons of shirts left. We had almost TWO HUNDRED people show up. We actually ran out of shirts. It was so amazing. People wrote why they were there on notecards and we had The Current (an anti violence theatrical group) read them outloud from within the crowd. It was amazing. There were so many survivors. We walked, chanted, and spoke all around the campus in a big herd of pink shirts. We also wrote all over the front of the campus union in chalk-- reasons why were were walking, why rape is terrible, and just anything and everything we could to break the silence. I just can't even begin to explain to you the empowerment I felt being there with nearly 200 people that cared about these issues. Not only that, but there were at least 10 survivors that made themselves known through notecards and to have an event that is all about THEM I can only imagine what a positive feeling that must have envoked inside of them. We were able to give a voice to people that otherwise might never have had one. It was so amazing, and I can't say that enough. All of the hours upon hours upon hours I spent brainstorming, designing 6 different shirts, narrowing down colors, finding a printer, setting up for print, making flyers, printing flyers, flyering the school, and outlining a speech I never once imagined that the product would be so wonderful. I already want to start planning an event for the next semester. There were so many people that loved the shirts I made or wanted to be there 40 minutes early just to get the "cool" shirt that I made. I made a cool shirt that is about nothing but ending sexual assault, partner violence, and stalking. 200 people were wearing those shirts. I just can't put into the words the feeling I had in seeing my art on 200 people that care about survivors or on survivors themselves. Wow. I will never forget that.


oh lord

My brand new computer just had a super stroke last night. This is all it would say:

It decided to turn back on this morning so I left it on. I guess that's what I get for trying to put Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, onto my ipod.


check check check it yeah

i just got my socks rocked off today by marvin gaye & co.
who really cares? what a question. i mean who really cares about rape, about greed, about human trafficking, about going on vacation with fake families to fake foreign countries. people don't have health insurance and the people with it don't want everyone to have it because then they won't have the best insurance. i say fuck that. not everyone can have the best so we might as well all have something. who says you are entitled to having everything comfy just because you are you? what did you do other than being born into or marrying into or stumbling into success? people are going to disney land and cancun pretending to be in a real place, splurging money, buying things to remind themselves of their trip. if you have to buy all of your memories you won't remember any of them other than the fact that you got off when the credit card slid or when you paid with the fake monopoly money. we live in such a world of excess it makes me want to vomit. i see the things some people have, and i see the things that i have. i just dont know. we need to live life for other people. the people we remember are the ones that did something good--did something for someone else. find a cause. embrace it. dont idolize the people that do it. become one of them. please try to help someone. anyone. all we are are memories. you, me, the person you just talked to. all your family and friends are is a memory. we are a happy warm spot in the brain. do some good and become a warm spot that carries on through many people for many years. if you come and go and dont make any memories then what was the point in you existing. so you could go to disneyland and have health insurance and go to church and cheer on reality tv. there is so much out there and so many people just don't give a fuck because they have satellite tv and mcdonalds drive thrus. they do their charity work for 4 hours out of every leap year and call it good and holy.
just listen to inner city blues and see how he is talking about us today. it isnt stopping it is growing. "god knows where we are headed"
every great nation falls and we are not that great.
oil is our economy.
oil is our transportation.
oil is our buildings infrastructure.
oil is the clothes that we wear.
oil are the pills we take to counteract the pills that we dont know why we take.
we have the patriot act, wire tapping, SECURE driver's licenses that only "terrorists, felons, and ILLEGALS" wouldn't want.
we have american idol telling us what to watch and what to like.
we are like mindless drones
losing our jobs to machines that can do it better because we dont need good salesman because we treat them like animals.
in the countryside you wave at people you see or stop and talk if you passby, yet we get in the city and its like we arent even people. why should you not stop and acknowledge that someone is human.

flowers that i always thought i saw but never could touch. they were always at my fingertip. where can i find some to keep for always?